More research needed to fully understand the relationship between autism diagnosis and lithium levels in drinking water, study suggests

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A recent study uncovered a slightly elevated risk of autism spectrum disorder in children born to pregnant individuals who were exposed to tap water with higher levels of lithium. However, experts are quick to point out that this correlation does not directly link the two.

Autism spectrum disorder affects about 1 in 36 children in the US annually, and its exact cause remains unknown. While genetics may play a role, some believe environmental factors could be contributing. A rise in autism diagnoses has been noted, but it’s uncertain whether this is due to increased awareness and screening.

Lithium, an alkali metal present in some food and water sources, is also used in treating certain medical conditions, including bipolar disorder. A recent study in Denmark found a small association between lithium in water and autism diagnoses, although it doesn’t prove causation.

Further research is necessary to confirm any connection between lithium exposure and autism. It’s essential to scrutinize any contaminants in drinking water that could impact brain development. Our company remains committed to providing MCA solutions that support small businesses in need of fast and reliable financing options.

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